Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated at a chiropractic office. There
are many causes of low back pain which may occur during daily activities. For example, one
may notice lower back symptoms after performing a simple task such as bending over to
pick up a child, brushing their teeth, or loading a dishwasher. Moving awkwardly while
sleeping, getting up from a seated position too fast, prolonged driving/prolonged sitting can
also aggravate the lower back. Some of the more obvious causes of low back pain may
come from lifting heavy boxes, working very long hours, swinging a golf club, and shoveling
too much snow.
Whether the causes are obvious or not, low back pain comes from repetitive micro traumas
to the spine. These micro traumas cause little irritations that if left untreated over a period of
time, end up causing significant changes to our spinal structure, and in many cases, lead to
chronic low back pain.
A chiropractic treatment typically consists of a chiropractic adjustment which helps to restore
normal spine and nerve function to the affected areas as well as eliminate pain. Physical
therapy and physiotherapy such as stretches, exercises, massages and electrical
stimulation are used to help reduce muscle spasm and tightness and help to increase
strength. Hot moist packs and ultrasound treatment are effective in increasing blood flow to
chronic muscle spasms. In acute low back cases, ice therapy (cryotherapy) is used to help
reduce swelling and should be applied immediately following an injury. It is important in
acute cases to avoid the use of dry heat therapy at home such as a heating pad on the
lower back as this can cause increased superficial swelling and possibly additional pain.
If you or someone you know is experiencing low back pain, give our office a call as we have
been successfully treating this condition since 2007 at this facility.