Numbness and tingling are abnormal sensations that can occur anywhere in your body,
but are often felt in your hands, feet, arms, or legs. Numbness and tingling are frequently
caused by nerve impingement of the spinal nerves as the exit between the vertebrae.
Nerves that travel to the arms, hands, legs and feet, originate from the spinal cord in the
neck and lower back. If the bones of the spine are subluxed or misaligned, they create
pressure on the nerves that supply those areas.
When the pressure is removed, the numbness and tingling usually subsides. If the
subluxation is not removed, the numbness and tingling may persist, and it may become
worse. It is even possible for symptoms to progress to muscle weakness and pain.
Chiropractic adjustments can help remove these nerve impingements and eliminate
numbness and tingling.
There are many possible causes for numbness. Some common causes treated by a
chiropractor are:
A neck or low back injury. If you sustain a neck injury you may feel the sensation anywhere along your arms or hands. Similarly, a low back injury can cause sciatica – a sensation of numbness or tingling down the back of your legs and into your feet
Pressure on the spinal nerves, as from a herniated or bulging disk
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This can cause numbness or tingling in your wrist, fingers, hand, or forearm
Postural changes in the spine that cause muscle spasm and pinched nerves.
If you are experiencing numbness in your arms, shoulder, legs or any other area, give
our office a call. After determining the cause, a specific treatment plan is developed to
help eliminate the symptoms.